Our Road to Net Zero - The Environmental Action Group
As our own response to COP26, Gort Scott’s Environmental Action Group hosted the first in a new series of seminars, to reinforce our practice-wide strategy to address the climate and biodiversity emergency. Our first talk focused on clear understanding of complex and evolving environmental policies, measures and targets – and how we expect to achieve them with our new tools, resources and review processes.
Later in the month we will be collaborating with SWECO to take a more in depth look at the assessment and reduction of embodied carbon in our buildings. This will be followed by a seminar on bio-based materials led by ARUP who will be presenting their research on ‘Circular Based Construction in the North of England.’
The series will conclude with a seminar on sustainable design, led by Certified Passivhaus Designers Jonathan Mann and Paul Wild. As part of an ongoing push to share knowledge within the practice, this will aim to outline practical solutions to design and build very low energy buildings that minimise our impact on global heating.
Constantly reviewing our sustainability goals and increasing technical knowledge internally, with clients and the profession is a key focus for Gort Scot and critical on our journey to reducing the carbon impact of the industry as well as becoming a net zero carbon business.