
How flexible thinking can sustain high streets

Following the launch of our High Streets and Town Centres - Adaptive Strategies publication, part of the GLA’s Good Growth By Design programme, Fiona writes in Building Design about how the most successful high streets are those that look beyond a narrow retail focus and move towards a diverse range of social, economic and cultural uses.

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‘High Streets & Town Centres’ at City Hall

Today we launched our latest research document for the Mayor of London: High Streets and Town Centres - Adaptive Strategies, part of the Good Growth by Design programme.

The document has been a collaboration between Gort Scott, Hatch Regeneris and We Made That, and a number of London’s boroughs and partners across the capital.

It gives guidance that emphasises the public value of high streets and town centres, showcases the innovative work taking place to adapt them, and provides the necessary support for boroughs, developers, landowners and civic society groups across the capital to engage in London’s high streets and respond to the many local and global challenges they face. It makes clear that the future lies in collaboration and mission-orientated innovation.

Our new studio featured in AJ

As champions of retrofitting in architecture we are proud to demonstrate what can be achieved through creative reuse. Today more than ever it is crucial we approach construction differently and reuse where we can. As a result, we have an inspiring studio space that is both forward-thinking and deeply embedded in the industrial history of the area.

Watch Jim Stephenson’s film or read the AJ In Practice feature about our project 55 Leroy Street.